Steps to be followed when designing a website.

Steps to be followed when designing a website.

On this article you will get to know Steps to be followed when designing a website.

1. Establishing the goal and objective of developing a website.The client first comes up with the idea .The web designing team then comes in to ensure that they not only create a website that caters for the clients needs but also a website that attracts clients to use it.
2. They then define the project scope.The experts can advice the client on the features that the website will entail and how they are going to affect the operation of the website.They should target to reate a website that is easy to navigate,has a simple URL and one that can use many browsers at a time.
3. Construction of the wire frame.This entails digging deeper into the project scope.The team identifies each feature individually and concetrates on modifying them using the webflow patterns,writemaps,sketches,mindnodes etc.
4. The creation and development of content.The web content creator then focuses on developing the Search Engine Optimization(SEO) of each page and topic.The web content creator should be creative and ensure they have enough content for each stage.
5. Visual brand development.It involves creating an element that represents the brand of the website.The web designer uses different web design tools such as moodboards and collages to develop the brand element.
6. Testing of the website is then done.After every stage has been keenly executed and everything is in place,the web design team then conducts tests on every stage to check for any errors.They can use tools such as the SEO Spider and the W3C Link Checker and fix errors made.
7. The website can now be launched to be used by the public.However this is not considered the last bit of of the process because end users will give their reveiws and the team will have to modify the parts with errors.For instance,the page might be taking a lot of time to load therefore customers will give their remarks about the website and the team will work to improve this demerit.


Characteristics of a good web designer and web content creator.

1. He should be creative and well informed and should know the different strategies to be employed in web design.
2. He should have adequate experience and exposure to such related topics.A good web developer is one who has adequate experience with developing websites.
3. He should also offer his clients a competitive price.This means the price should not be too exxagerated as the client may not afford it.The proce should also not be too low as the client might be convinced that the web designer might not be capable of performing the task.
4. The web designer should know how to communicate properly as they will most likely spend their time explaining the different aspects of the website to the client as well as other team members.
5. The web developer should also be flexible to changes as sometimes the response from the users may turn out unexpectedly.
6. They should also be able to meet the set timelines to prevent delays.For instance,most companies set launching dates for their websites where the end users expect to be deliered.A delay on the web design team end will consequently lead to a delay on the side of the end users.

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