Computer packages

Computer packages

A computer is categorized in different packages that function differently to provide effective and efficient delivery. Below are the common known packages.

  1. Microsoft PowerPoint

Asked for the extensively powerful slide show then PowerPoint is the presentation program for you. PowerPoint is an inclusive in the Microsoft suit bundles in with a few more office productivity tools. These programs acquire assistance of slides in the info conferment that is bossed in multimedia. PowerPoint is an editing factor in Microsoft.

Functions of PowerPoint

This program is accustomed to share presentation via the web on whatever time with whomever. The presentation share could be completed through links and there after followed online.

  • Animation customs.
  • Webpage saving.
  • Add sound effects, videos and images.
  • Embed of YouTube videos.
  • Printing handout presentations.


  1. Microsoft Office 365

This Microsoft office is an alliance and communication service provided by Microsoft to assist students in studies and employees and other individuals. This Microsoft allows its users to have Microsoft PowerPoint, OneNote outlook, Excel and word installation. This app can be acquired on any computer locally or the online version. Microsoft manage and own data centers that support this application services.


  1. Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet program bundled in Microsoft office suit. The download of this Microsoft can be accessed online and stored in the hard drive. Internet connection allows sharing of files and partnered alliance on real time. Spreadsheets are tables arranged in columns and rows mathematically manipulated both in convoluted and basic functions and arithmetic operations.


  1. Microsoft word

The creation of either simple or complex text on a blank page is word based. This program can be accessed on multiple operating systems (Windows, Mac ) on any  gadget ( Tablets, phones, laptops and computers).

Functions of Word

  • Traditionally one could use paste, copy and cut options.
  • Microsoft word adds, inserts, reviews, mails and conducts many more file tasks.
  • Microsoft Word enables the editing, styles, fonts and the paragraphing, illustrations, addition of header and footer.
  • Word conducts PDF edits and opens.


  1. Microsoft Onedrive

Microsoft Overdrive previously Skydrive is a cloud storage that can store and allow access of files later either through web browser and cellphone gadgets.

  1. Microsoft onedrive

This program provides free form info multiuser alliance and gathering drawings, notes and audios.

  1. Microsoft outlook

 This application not only allows email application but also manage contact, calendars, task manager, notes, web browser, journals and many file managements.

Truly, most writings and info entering would not survive without Microsoft office enabling them in the current generation.


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