Analysis of POS Systems: Which System Should a Retailer Purchase?

When is it appropriate for a store to move to a point-of-sale system?

Every merchant, in fact, already has a transaction management system in place. This might be as basic as adding ledger entries or counting everything that has been sold and the ones that are still in stock. At the end of the day, the retailer is nothing more than a salesperson whose job it is to keep stock and sell what he has. As a result, any shopkeeper who wants to succeed rather than commit hara-kiri keeps track of what he has sold and how much he still has. He’ll know what to put on display more conspicuously and how much of each item to order from the distributor.

The question, therefore, becomes: how sophisticated is a retailer’s POS system, and when is it time to upgrade?

The advantages of a POS system are as follows:

  1. They keep track of sales. This also aids in the tracking of cash flows (sales minus refunds) and inventories.
  2. They improve the accuracy of product information and recorded prices.
  3. They speed up the check-out process.
  4. They keep inventory records.
  5. They assist the retailer in better understanding his company’s performance.
  6. They aid in the automated alignment of vendors and the generation of orders.

The increasing amount of sophistication in the system is reflected in the benefits’ ordered rank.

A basic desktop and a screen will be sufficient if the only thing required is to record purchases. The transactions are entered using a keyboard that may or may not be configured to handle credit cards and may or may not have a printer installed to create the bill. This configuration requires the cashier to choose the item, inspect the label, and then enter the product description and price, either through a sticker on the item or, in the case of produce, by looking up the present price of that item in a database. A small merchant might still not use a desktop for this, preferring instead to record transactions in ledgers, which is more onerous than using a spreadsheet program.

The possibility for manual errors grows as the amount of commerce and the quantity of things held and purchased at the store grows.

Why POS?

The duty of the cashier is reduced to just typing in this item number after extrapolating the description and pricing details to a server and assigning each item in the shop a unique identity. When you add a scanner, the only time you’ll get a “manual” error is if the item doesn’t scan and the cashier needs to input the item number manually.

Another obvious benefit is that check-out time is reduced. The cashier now only has to wave the commodity in front of the scanner or hold it like a pistol over the item’s temple. There are no balance sheets to fill in and no keystrokes to punch, so the wait time is drastically reduced.

As the volume of trade and objects handled increases, so does the complexity of the business, necessitating summary reports to aid decision-making. Much of the information required in a shop concerned inventory—how much of each item was selling and how much cover we had for it, what we needed to purchase for the next cycle, what the outs were, and so on. The need for a POS system that maintains inventory in the shop as well as transactions at the cash registers becomes unavoidable.

Mobile equipment, such as portable guns, is typically used by shop floor employees to identify, scan, and update item inventories. The software at the cash till is coupled with these devices through a centralized server in the shop since inventory is related to sales (every product sold indicates one fewer item on the shelf).

If the retailer is part of a chain, the database is linked to the corporate headquarters and updated on a regular basis so that the merchandising team can see sales performance at the item level, track stocks, and take the appropriate action as needed. The ordering team makes use of the same data to guarantee that the business has all it needs to sell.

When the store’s sales and inventory data are connected to the vendor’s replenishment systems, a more complex system emerges.

The more the POS system’s sophistication, the higher the expenses for IT, manpower, and data upkeep, among other things. As a result, a retailer’s final position will be determined by the benefits he desires from the system and if his volume of business warrants the expenditure.

Consult us for the best POS solutions for your business. Consult for point of sale system Nairobi Kenya

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